When is it OK to ask for a pay rise?

Is it OK to ask for a pay rise?

In fact, let’s take it back one step further and ask: is it OK to ask for a pay rise at all? Because that’s what you are really thinking, isn’t it?

So let’s tackle that question first and then we’ll get back to the “when” part.

1/ Is it OK to ask for a pay rise? 

Unless you are still in your probation period or are on some kind of warning due to your performance or behaviour then yes, it is perfectly OK for you to ask for a salary increase. Whether you should or not depends on a few things, but even then it is still OK for you to ask the question.

I mean, realistically, what is the worst thing that is going to happen? As I explain in my book “Because I’m Worth It: How to Ask for a Pay Rise”, no rational employer is going to fire a good member of staff just for bringing the subject up. In fact, according to YouGov research the vast majority of people who do ask for a pay rise subsequently receive one.

So I hope that’s cleared that up. If you are thinking of asking for a pay rise then there is no reason to worry that this isn’t acceptable behaviour. Looking to have your salary increased from time to time is a perfectly normal, rational and expected thing for you to want to do.

Get the book – Because I’m Worth It: How to Ask for a Pay Rise

How to ask for a pay rise book cover

2/ When is it OK to ask?

This is also an easy one to answer. The basic principle for you to keep in mind is that you should always be paid fairly for the work that you do.

“Fair” in the capitalist world that we live in is determined by the laws of supply and demand. Which means there is a going rate for the kind of work that you do, and the level to which you do it. So if you decided to resign, for example, your employer would have to pay someone else the going rate as a minimum to attract them to the role in order to replace you.

So in terms of When is it OK to ask?”, the answer is: whenever you are being paid less than the going rate for the contribution that you are making to the business.

Or in other words, if you decided to leave the company tomorrow, would your employer have to offer more than your current salary to find a like-for-like replacement for you?

If the answer to that is yes (and you can find this out with a little online research) then now is definitely the right time to be thinking about asking for a pay rise.

3/ When should you ask for a pay rise?

Assuming that you have discovered that you are being paid less than the going rate for the contribution you are making, then the rest is simply down to timing.

The main things you have to think about here are your relationship with your manager, whether there are any normal (eg. annual) pay rise periods to work around, and whether the business is in a healthy enough position to be able to afford to pay you more.

This is actually quite a big subject (big enough to have written a book about, in fact) so I can’t cover it all off here in this blog post. Have a look through the site, though, and you will find more about timing your pay rise request.

Or why not check out my book “Because I’m Worth It: How to Ask for a Pay Rise” that covers everything you need to know to make sure you ask for a pay rise in the right way.

You can buy it now on Amazon: Because I’m Worth It: How to Ask for a Pay Rise

But looking back to your original question: of course it’s OK to ask for a pay rise whenever you deserve one.

When is it OK to ask for a pay rise?
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