Pay Rise

How often should you get a pay rise in the UK?

The traditional way that companies in the UK used to work was this: you would expect to see your salary increase both annually as part of their normal processes (so every 12 months) and whenever you got promoted into a new role. The annual increase would be based more or less on inflation, provided the […]

When is it OK to ask for a pay rise?

In fact, let’s take it back one step further and ask: is it OK to ask for a pay rise at all? Because that’s what you are really thinking, isn’t it? So let’s tackle that question first and then we’ll get back to the “when” part. 1/ Is it OK to ask for a pay […]

How do I approach my boss for a pay rise?

It’s funny, but many people spend more time pondering how to bring the dreaded pay rise subject up with their boss than they do on all the other aspects of getting one combined. So you won’t be surprised when I say that “How do I approach my boss for a pay rise?”  is one of […]

Should I quit if I don’t get a raise?

You’re so fed up with feeling undervalued in your role that you are seriously considering quitting your job if you don’t get what you want. Thoughts like this are a clear sign that your subconscious mind wants to raise the stakes to push you into taking action. It is desperate for something to change to […]

What is a reasonable pay rise to ask for?

At the moment it seems as if every day brings us more news of striking workers, inflation and deepening crisis. Prices are spiraling out of control. Fuel, food and mortgages are crippling families. With all this as the background, what is a reasonable pay rise to ask for right now? Asking for a pay rise […]

Can you be sacked for asking for a pay rise?

TL:DR No, you can’t be sacked for asking for a pay rise; at least not in the UK. So that’s good to know. But despite the law being very clear on this, it remains one of the biggest fears for those who want to ask for a pay rise but worry about any potential consequences. […]

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